Archive for December, 2008

Here it is Christmas, the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.  Now since it’s His birthday I have often wondered why we give gifts to everyone but him.  I understand the significance of gift giving, and I love to give, don’t get me wrong, but what do you get the God of the universe for his birthday?  Good question.  We can’t impress him, there is nothing he really needs, and if he did need anything we probably wouldn’t be able to get it for him.

So I recorded a song that completely answers the question: What do we get Jesus for his birthday?


He loves us to love him.  Just surrendering out life to him means everything to him.

Merry Christmas, may you consider yourself a gift to Jesus.

Take a listen.  Little Drummer Boy


A little background and credit where credit is due.

Rob Scalise from Florida did the original track with keys and drums, I added acoustic guitar, electric guitar, timpanies, trap set, and a synthy sound.  Then I recorded several layers of vocals.

Thanks Rob.  My mom will love it!  🙂

Today was another long day, but very exciting!

My friend Rob Scalise from Florida sent me an mp3 arrangement that he made of the Christmas song.  He asked if I would want to sing on it or something.  So I spent the day doing harmony vocals in between trying to fix our pellet stove, take Nathan to work, go shopping for vacuum bags and making mint fudge.  The results are a wonderful jazzy Christmas tune sure to make you smile VERY BIG!  I got all done doing the vocals, sent the whole song back to him some 3000 miles away, he added the final keyboard solo and sent it back.  Now you get to hear it!

So, please click here and listen! was gracious to me and put a short little article with a link to the Merry Trekmas site, including Nathan’s fun animated promo.  That is really cool, thousands of people read  Cool.

It really is a great time of year isn’t it?  I mean family is so important.  Celebrating the birth of Jesus with family and friends is really what it is all about!

I hope you have some fun with your family and friends over the next couple of days.  May God bless you as you enjoy this fine Holiday Season!


You know, there are a lot of things that we can run to for escape.  We can try all sorts of things to get free of things that hold us back.  I have come to the conclusion that Jesus is the one that sets me free.

So I wrote a song and recorded it.  Take a listen to it.

You’re the one

here are the lyrics

Looking back through time I see some things that held me back
But as they say you can’t go back and change things
all you do is hold on to tomorrow don’t you
and pray the chains fall off that bind you
set me free
from the chains that bind me
set me free
from the ropes that tie me
set me free
from the things that blind me
It doesn’t work  just to ignore my demons
that keeps me down inside my dungeon
bread and water just don’t satisfy my soul no more
I want to taste the freshness of full set garden

set me free
from the chains that bind me
set me free
from the ropes that tie me
set me free
from the things that blind me
So I fall upon the one that take the sting of death away
call upon his name one more time
breaking through the crusty surface down into my heart
letting out my inner feelings
set me free
from the chains that bind me
set me free
from the ropes that tie me
set me free
from the things that blind me
set me free.
Let me know what you think after you listen to it.

Ok, snow is great, but I’m ready for it to be done!

Stripey kicked the baby Jesus and the wisemen off of the little table and took a nap.  Silly cat.  I told him that was no way to treat Jesus.  He just looked at me.  Go figure.

Got to chat with my folks today and was kind of sad cause of the weather.  We were going to go out to the Bale family Christmas, but the roads weren’t so hot.  In fact tonight I had to run to 7-11 to get milk.  I didn’t make it.  Ended up going to Chevron.  It was more level ground.  I haven’t ever driven in such horrid conditions.  The middle rut was higher than my car.  CRAZY!  Anyway, we made it.  Got milk, and some junk food.  We’re good to go now!  🙂  Stay safe everyone.

Today it just kept snowing and snowing….

Got some cool pictures though…

Today was such a blast.

I took Nathan to work this morning cause I heard it was going to snow, and I didn’t want him driving on the ice and snow.

Then Amy and I went over to Randy and Vickie’s for a quick visit. They are such cool people. I am always encouraged by their faith in Jesus. I have great relatives thanks to my wife. 🙂 I helped them with a little electronic project they were working on, and enjoyed some home made biscotti. Randy, you are amazing.

Then we came home and did a great Skype chat with the Treks in Sci Fi friends. It will be posted tomorrow, you should listen. I did a fun song for the podcast called The Geekiest Things. You should listen, it’s very funny, especially if you are geek like me! Amy had fun on the podcast talking about Heroes and other cool science fiction type things. Did I mention that I love my wife? She is so fun. I like it when she geeks out with me and talks to my sci fi friends. Thanks Amy!

Paul Dubuque dropped by some goodies for us.  THANK YOU!  They were great!

Then it was time to go get Nathan from town because we already had many inches of snow and it was just getting worse. Got home and the neighbor kids came to play in the snow. Forget the snow, let’s make cookies. And so we did. As you can see below.

Catherine was busy decorating Gingerbread men.

Holts dropped by with Andrew and we got to give Julia her birthday present!  A Dora the Explorer video game.  Yeah!

Then tonight Nathan, Andrew and I played a few hands of black jack and laughed a lot. I cleaned the kitchen for my tired wife and did the dishes. Now she can relax a bit since I trashed the kitchen while making cookies and dinner. It works out nice.

My friend Kenny from California sent me the coolest thing in the mail today. Here is a picture of my cool home made snowman. What Kenny doesn’t know is that I have LOVED snowman since I was a kid. It’s all I used to draw. Three circles and a smiley face. That was easy! Anyway it is so thoughtful of him to make me something cool like this. He is our centerpiece on our table now.

Well, stay safe and warm!  Merry Christmas everyone!  I hope Jesus is the Reason for your Season!

oh, and cool christmas music for your downloading pleasure visit the Moyer Family Christmas Card site… click on the links and sing along.

I have a friend that lives in Florida that shares his love for music with me.

He remixed and added some great keyboard parts to a song that I recently recorded. Please take a listen, and thanks to ROB!

Emmanuel the Tan Ru mix

Well, what a long week this has been!

So much snow and ice, and from what I hear more is to come.  I have been enjoying some prophetic words given to me during our prayer time along with a wonderful set of scriptures and faith statements that I put together while at the retreat.  I go over them everyday and seek God as to what he would tell me through his Word and prophets!  It’s a good thing.  God is good.

I have been recording with my equipment this week and really enjoying it.  I have done three songs in as many days.  Here they are if you want to listen to them.

This one rocks about a minute or so in  Oh come, Oh come Emmanuel

This one is a cool new twist on Do you hear what I hear Do you hear?

And this is Angels we have heard on high  Angels

If you haven’t had a chance to visit our Christmas Card go for it here.

God showed me today what good friends and family I have.  I am a blessed man who is humbled by God’s grace and mercy in my life.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Nathan did me a favor tonight and put my Merry Trekmas promo on youtube… hehehe.


The music has been picked up by numerous podcasts all over the place.  So it’s fun to see people enjoying it.

How fun, and thanks Nathan!

Do you hear what I hear?

Posted: December 18, 2008 in Cool Stuff just for you

I’ve always like that song.

SO I recorded it for you.  Take a listen and celebrate the reason for the season!

Do you hear what I hear? by Rick

It’s that time of year.

Please Click here for the Moyer Family Christmas Card