Archive for June, 2010

#74 A Curt Chat- Take Him With Podcast with Rick & Amy Moyer

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Join Amy and I with our special guest Author and speaker Curtis Klinger.  Amy and I talk about the short story Pyramid by Mike Featherstone, men and women and their likes and dislikes of hot and cold in the car, moldy Chinese Food, the cards I got for Father’s day, we discussed our anniversary, fixing the HD water damaged camera, our review of Toy Story 3 and more.  Curtis helps me read our words of wisdom.  Then we interview Curtis Klinger, our friend from Denver, and hear him read from his Novel- Dean Ransom Restored.  You can find it on by typing in Curtis Klinger.  What a great uplifting podcast.  ENJOY!

by Mike Featherstone- produced by Stefan Sawynok.  Narrated by Carole Richards & Rick Moyer.  Scored and Edited by Rick Moyer.

There are few people in the world that I have total trust in.  Amy, my wife, is one of them.  Today is our 24th wedding anniversary.  Ages ago when I asked her to marry me I was a young zealous for God kid with dreams of changing the world my way.  What I found was that God knew exactly who I needed to spend the rest of my life with- and Amy was that person.  She loves God with all of her heart and is such a patient person.  As the years have gone by she has stuck by my side through many good times, and many gut wrenching times.  Oh we have had our fair share of struggles, but we have stayed together because we know God put us together.  Where I am weak, Amy is strong, and where Amy is weak, I am strong.  Most importantly, we both love Jesus.  He is our common point- the center of our relationship and faith. 

I have watched as she home schooled our children, I have admired how she is committed to their success, and mine.  I have marveled at her ability to be selfless through just about any situation we have encountered. 

Then came the last 4 years or so. 

Things had been cooking along in our lives, but went south fairly quickly in my job as a pastor.  Do to circumstances beyond our control we were flung into a very difficult time.  We tried our hardest to stay strong and be helpful, we prayed, served and believed for the best, but in the end we were heart broken.  It seemed like we lost everything. 

I’ll never forget sitting in our car before a meeting that would determine my future at the church we were helping to lead.  We had been crying because of the pressure that we were under.  I grabbed her hand and we prayed to God for direction and peace.  It seemed like a switch went off inside us both and we knew what we had to do.  As much as we loved the people that we were serving with and ministering too- we had to take our hands off of it.  It wasn’t healthy for us.  The pressure was too great and the behind the scenes politics were simply wrong.  I looked at her and said- “I don’t have another job- what will we do?”

She looked me in the eye and told me she meant what she said when she married me- for better or worse.  She would do whatever it took to help me pay the bills, and would stick by me no matter what.  She told me she believed in my calling in life and that she didn’t marry me by accident. 

We went in, resigned and got out of that situation.  And guess what?

She did exactly what she promised.  She found a job, started working to earn money, helped me get our business off the ground and loved me.  All this while still doing a bunch around the house.   She hasn’t given up on me or our kids.  EVEN WHEN EVERYTHING FELL APART- she did what she promised me.  She is the most real, genuine CHRISTLIKE person that I know. 

Not only did she get a job but she takes time off to do the Take Him With You Podcast with me each week.  Our ratings went through the roof and are now up to over 4000 downloads a month when she joined me at the beginning of the year as co-host. 

I am looking forward to the day when the business is going so well that she doesn’t have to work as hard.  I know that day is coming.  I have to say though, it is hard to put into words what she means to me.  I have never had a friend like her.  She truly embodies the theme in scripture that says greater love has no man than to lay down his life for his friend.  She does it every day for me and most of the time with a smile on her face.

Today we will eat lunch at Ocean Palace, just the two of us.  I will take her to Toy Story 3 in 3D, just because we love the first two films.  I will hold her hand through the movie and share my popcorn with her with a smile on my face.   AND THEN- we will talk and dream about our future and what we think God has for the next 24 years. 

I am pretty convinced that with Amy and Jesus, I can’t go wrong.  I am blessed and in love with the woman of my dreams.  She has even surpassed what I thought was possible when I married her 24 years ago.

The other morning I woke up and we just layed there and talked.  I asked her if I told her lately how much I love being married to her.  She was honest and said, “No not lately”  so I told her “I love being married to you”  she laughed. 

I love you Amy.

#73 Ten out of 24- aka- I got you babe!  Take Him With You Podcast with Rick & Amy Moyer

Join Amy and I as we talk about Father’s day, Bluetooth stereos, star field generators, computer monitors and the big subject- 10 things we’ve learned in 24 years of marriage. I play a special song for my dad, and give advice to single folks as well! It’s a great podcast and a lot of fun, plus I play an old Wes King song called “Another Man” on this TAKE HIM WITH YOU!

#72 Making the Best out of the Worst- The Take Him With You Podcast with Rick & Amy Moyer

Join Amy and I as we talk about the season premier of Burn Notice & Royal Pains. We talk about lots of things this week including Jeff Wayne’s War of The World’s musical from the 70’s, the Last Starfighter on Blu Ray and our topic of the week- Making the best our of the worst. Great podcast with a lot of insight.

#71Legacy Leaving- What will you leave behind?  Take Him With You Podcast with Rick & Amy Moyer

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Join Amy and I as we talk about Netflix instant streaming, Farscape, our memorial day visit and more. We also talk about the Harrison Ford movie- Extraordinary Measures.   Our main subject this week is Legacy Leaving- what do you want to leave for your family? I play a new song from my son Nathan and his wife Ivy called so much. Great podcast with lots of hope. Join us please!

Promos played on this episode:

The Martians Are Here-

Waffle On
Tales from the Mouse House
Champ Podcast
Knights of the Guild
Treks In Sci Fi
Appy Times